Translate Theme to another Language

Here are the most 2 simple ways to translate the theme to another language:

The Beginners Option

We recommend you to use the “Loco Translate” plugin to make translations, as it is the easiest way

  1. Go to Admin Menu > Loco Translate
  2. Select your theme and click on New langugate link.
  3. Follow instructions and click Start Translating
  4. Now you will be able to translate all strings available in the theme. Example:

The Advanced Option

Our themes are written in English, though you are of course welcome to translate them to your language. While it’s possible to go through each theme file and manually translate the appropriate text elements, we highly recommend using the program Poedit to translate your theme. It’s easy and will save you LOTS of time.

  1. First, go to WP Dashboard > Settings > General > Site Language > Select your language > Save.
  2. Then, download & install the Poedit program.
  3. Open Poedit and click the “Open” button on the top-left of the program screen. Within your theme’s files, find the “languages” folder and select the “unich-wp.POT” file.
  4. A long list of text elements you may translate will appear in the box labeled “Source Text”. Please note: You may not need to translate all of these elements. Many may be WordPress notification messages or similar.
  5. Select the line within the “Source Text” box that you’d like to translate. When that line is highlighted, go down to the box labeled “Translation”. Here, you can type the direct translation of the “Source Text” in whatever language you’ll be using. Repeat this step for all of the “Source Text” elements you wish to translate.
  6. When done, go to “File” and “Save as” within your theme’s “languages” folder.
    IMPORTANT! You must save this new file with a name based on a specific format: aa_AA

    The first “aa” refers to ISO 639 two-letter language code (list found HERE).
    The second “AA” refers to an ISO 3166 two-letter country code (list found HERE).

    ( Example 1 )
    If translating to Danish, we would use the Danish language code of “da” and the Danish country code of “DK”. The file name must be the language code in lowercase letters, followed by an underscore character, and lastly the language code in uppercase letters. So the finished file name would then be: da_DK
    ( Example 2 )
    If translating to Brazilian Portuguese, your file name would be: pt_BR

    Note: For the French language in Canada, please use “fr_FR”. “fr_CA” is not recognized by WordPress.
  7. When you save the file, it will automatically create your .po format as well as an additional .mo format file of the same name.
  8. Via your FTP program, upload the .po & .mo files you just created to your theme’s “languages” folder.
  9. You’re finished!
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